Chelsea and I met in graduate school. I was a Graduate Assistant for the Communication Sciences and Disorders program at U of H my second year of graduate school, which meant that I worked alongside the first-year graduate students frequently, and Chelsea was one of those awesome girls that completely rocked the program – an all-star student! She has a sweet, southern demeanor and a smile that warms your heart. She was so awesome with her patients at the U of H clinic, and was always eager to learn more and become the best clinician she could be. I mentored many girls that year as a GA, and Chelsea was definitely one that stood out 🙂
Well, after I graduated, got a job, and then (practically by accident) started this photography business, Chelsea was following my work on Facebook and, unbeknownst to me, spreading the word about my work to her friends at Sojourn church. I received an email from one of her sweet friends, Corrie, about an engagement session. Which then turned into a wedding. And more engagements. And a newborn. And another wedding. And another wedding. My goal for 2012 was to second shoot a wedding, but with the help of Chelsea (and certainly several others) we photographed 7 weddings this year!! Holy cow. Who woulda thought??
What amazed me was that I had never even taken pictures for Chelsea before. Ever. And here she was telling all of her friends about my work! And so, as a thank you for helping us grow our business in ways we never could have imagined after only being in business for a year, I offered to do a photo shoot for Chelsea and her husband. And what a pleasure it was! Chelsea and Matt will celebrate 2 years of marriage in January, so this photo shoot came at just the right time 🙂 Happy Anniversary, Chelsea and Matt! May these photographs serve as a reminder of your growing love for each other 🙂
Vintage dresses and crawling ivy,
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